Jesus said, “Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14 (NASB)
What Is Available For My Kids?
Revival Kids is our Children’s Ministry uniquely designed with your child in mind! Every Sunday we provide a safe and fun environment for your children to encounter the power and the love of God. This is done by teaching and demonstrating the Kingdom of God in a fun and practical way.
Our goal is also to help your children understand the importance of worship, prayer, and the Word so they may share the love of God with others. We excitedly serve children of the following ages:
- Revival Kids Infants: Birth-1 year
- Revival Kids Toddlers: 2-4 years
- Revival Kids Elementary: K-5th Grade
First Time Here
Once you arrive at church, you will follow the signs that will take you to your child’s designated age appropriate classroom. You will be greeted by one of our friendly staff members and be asked to register your child for his/her classroom.To ensure the safety of your child, you will sign your child in and will receive two sticker tags in return. One tag is for you, and the other is for your child.
The tags have the same alphanumeric code on them, which means only the parent who signed the child in, with the matching tag, can sign the child out. We use this same sign-in/sign-out process every week.
If your child needs assistance during the service, you and your child’s matching alphanumeric code will appear on the screen in the main service for your convenience.
This is our ministry designed to serve children from kindergarten to 5th grade. The class is staffed by fun, high energy, loving, capable, background-checked volunteers. Children will enjoy fun, age appropriate Bible lessons, crafts, worship songs, games/activities, and snacks.
This is our ministry designed to serve infants and toddlers. The infant classroom is for ages birth to 1 year. The toddler classroom is for children 2 to 4 years of age. This ministry is staffed by loving, dedicated, capable, background-checked volunteers. Age-appropriate, video-based, Bible stories, worship songs, and snacks are provided.
There is also a secluded room available for infants not yet ready for the classroom setting where moms can find a changing station, a TV playing the main service, and seating for nursing mothers. Ask any RK staff member in red if you cannot locate this room.
We Are Excited To See You!
Our wonderful team of devoted Children’s Ministers are ready every Sunday to welcome your children. We look forward to getting to know you and your children!
Children’s ministry is available starting at 8:45am for 1st service and 10:45am for 2nd service every Sunday morning during church so that parents are able to focus on the message and children can have fun while learning. If you have any questions about any of our Children’s Ministries, or would like to serve, please contact our Director: Miriam Thomas.