This Sunday, Pastor Carl continued the Supernatural Connections message series teaching out of John chapter 17. Our world is more connected than ever but at the same time it is more divided. Jesus prayed to his Father on the night that he was betrayed that we would be connected as a body.
Being connected to one another in a supernatural way is counter to what our culture is producing today. Our world is filled with people who have toxic connections to other people online. Jesus prayed that we could be our best authentic selves connecting and building up one another.
There are disturbing statistics about what online connections are doing to American women but Jesus prayed that we would have healthier relationships that would be supernatural in nature.
We are actually being built up as living stones to become the house of God. Our supernatural connection to one another bolsters our supernatural connection to God according to the prayer of Jesus. Jesus conquered death so we can live forever in the father’s love.
When we live in this supernatural connection with God and with each other, it will naturally manifest in our connection with the world. Jesus prayed that we would be at one so the world would know the father the way Jesus knew the father.
This week as you meditate on this message consider the following:
What Is Your Next Step in growing in your relationship with the body of Christ? Is it being more faithful in your church attendance? Serving? Or simply being present with other Christians?
Purposefully pray for divine appointments with the people in your life who need to be connected with Jesus and his Body.
In what ways has God moved in your life that can be a benefit to those who don’t know him?