This past Sunday we continued in the “Flip the Script” message series by learning how to attract the blessing. In Matthew 6 Jesus told his disciples not to be consumed with worry because God cares.
God is trying to teach the people of Revival Life Church to be containers that can hold His blessings. We start by being thankful for what God has given us. Then we set our minds on the things of God, not our problems.
Jesus pointed out that worrying never extended a person’s life a single day. Being consumed with worry does not fix anything. Jesus contrasted this type of fixation on worrying with walking in faith. He didn’t say that people who worry don’t have faith, He told them they were living like people who don’t have a promise from God. They are more like the outsiders than they were the covenant people of God.
Throughout history as recorded in the Bible God has promises and blessings reserved for the righteous. These blessings are found in God. Jesus said we have peace in Him and we have righteousness, peace, and joy in His Spirit. Instead of focusing on the areas of lack, we are to focus on God and His promises. That way we fulfill the promise in Proverbs 10:6, “Blessings are on the head of the righteous.”
South Florida promises people the safety and security we long for but they are no more than the works of the flesh. They don’t last and won’t satisfy. Jesus promised that if we seek Him and His righteousness we would have blessings stick to our lives in ways that fulfill and satisfy.
This week, continue to thank God for everything that comes your way. Look for the blessings God is setting you up for.
Ask God how you can cooperate with Him to increase in righteousness and be better positioned to receive your blessing.