This Sunday Pastor Carl laid out the where God is taking Revival Life Church. On September 17, we participated in the new season God has invited us into. After that, we talked for eight weeks about battling the three pronged axis of evil the devil, the flesh, and the world.
This week we started a two week series entitled “Flip the Script” where we are not only pushing back the attack of the enemy, we are watching our tests turn to testimonies.
How we react to the attacks of the enemy determines our character. We can either lean into those attacks, giving our giftings, calling and anointing to the use of the enemy, or we can stand on truth and allow our faith to grow.
Just like mental health experts have discovered that combatting cognitive distortions brings us into better mental health, combatting spiritual distortions will bring us into right relationship with God.
Jesus said the in the world there would be many hard times, be He came so that we could have peace in Him. It is in Jesus that we can have peace in a troubled world. And it is the ability to remain in Jesus that we will learn to live in peace.
The greatest way to correct the lies of the enemy is to spiritually reframe his lies with the truth of God’s goodness and one of the key ways to do what is through thankfulness.
Being thankful in every situation empowers us to increase in grace in every season. It puts Jesus back on the throne of our lives instead of the problems of this life. When we are in a struggle, we need to become more aware of the God who has solutions than the problems that have come to engulf us.
Whatever we are thankful to God for is sanctified, set apart as holy. This steals its demonic power and empowers God to turn our trial for our benefit. When Jesus was preparing for His death, He gathered His disciples and thanked God for the coming breaking of His body and the spilling of His blood thus sanctifying it for all mankind.
This week, begin the spiritual discipline of thanking God for all things, good and bad. Ask God to help you see how He might be using your trials for your benefit. Look for God in your trials and ask God to help you to be hopeful for his soon intervention.