Pastor Carl’s message focused on the transformative power of encountering God and our response to His call. Drawing from Isaiah 6, Pastor Carl illustrated how Isaiah’s vision of God’s holiness led to deep self-awareness of sin, followed by cleansing and a divine mission. Pastor Carl emphasized, “When God shows up, it is not about what is wrong with us. It is about aligning with what God cares about.”
Isaiah’s initial reaction, “Woe to me, for I am ruined” (Isaiah 6:5), highlighted humanity’s inadequacy before God’s holiness. Yet, the seraphim’s act of cleansing Isaiah with a burning coal (Isaiah 6:7) mirrors the redemptive work of Jesus, who removes sin to restore us to relationship with God. Pastor Carl explained, “This is what Jesus did for us. He cleared the path so we can hear God and share His heart with others.”
The sermon urged believers to shift focus from self-centered concerns to God’s mission, as reflected in Isaiah’s response: “Here am I. Send me” (Isaiah 6:8). Pastor Carl connected this to practical discipleship, underscoring the importance of living out God’s love in tangible ways, including addressing injustice, being present with the hurting, and embracing divine interruptions.
The message concluded with a call to action. Pastor Carl encouraged the congregation to embrace baptism as a public declaration of transformation, share the good news of God’s redemptive love, and align with His heart for a broken world. He reminded the church, “If we do not view God’s redemption rightly, we protect ourselves from the world instead of being sent into it.”
As you reflect on this message this week, consider the following:
- Isaiah’s vision of God’s holiness led him to focus on his own sin. How do you respond when confronted with God’s presence? Do you tend to focus on your own shortcomings or on His glory?
- After Isaiah was cleansed, he immediately heard God’s call to action. How might your life change if you truly heard God’s call to go and serve others, focusing on His mission instead of your own concerns?
- Pastor Carl emphasized that God’s redemption transforms us and equips us to reach others. Who in your life needs to hear the good news of God’s love and grace, and how can you share it with them this week?