In this message, Pastor Carl emphasizes that worship is an invitation to participate in the eternal relationship of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Rather than being a performance or a ritual, worship is a response to God’s ongoing invitation to enter into His divine life. Citing John 4:23-24, Pastor Carl explains that true worshippers will worship “in spirit and truth,” aligning their hearts and minds with God’s will. This act of worship is not limited to singing or attending services but is a lifestyle of expressing love, honor, and obedience to God in every area of life.
Pastor Carl introduces the concept of worship as joining the “divine dance” within the Trinity, a relationship of mutual love and admiration. Through the cross and resurrection, Jesus invites His followers to engage in this eternal communion with God, where worship becomes an act of unity and transformation. As Pastor Carl explains, “worship is a wholehearted, active response to God’s invitation to participate in His eternal relationship—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” This invitation draws believers deeper into communion with God and shapes them to reflect His character and mission in the world (John 17:20-21).
Finally, he exegetes the Scriptures to show the power of joining the Church in worship. From times in the past, followers of God understood the power of worshiping with the Church and leaned into the communal power of corporate worship.
Finally, Pastor Carl challenged the Church to try to listen to worship music in times when they would listen to secular worship as a spiritual discipline these next two weeks.
As you reflect on this message this week, consider the following:
- How does viewing worship as an invitation to participate in the life of the Trinity affect the way you approach both personal and corporate worship?
- In what ways can you align your daily actions and decisions with a lifestyle of worship, honoring God beyond the walls of the church?
- How does worshipping together with the church impact your spiritual growth and connection to God, especially when you understand it as joining in the “divine dance” of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?