In this Sunday’s message, Pastor Carl taught out of Romans 5:1-5 about the need for each of us to know our standing before God. Before coming to Christ, each of us have lived lives that brought trauma to our soul. We often view our future and God through the lens of that trauma. Pastor Carl called these trauma glasses. These trauma glasses color how we view the world, each other, and ultimately how we view our relationship with the living God.
After sharing several boxes that We place God in based on our past trauma, Pastor Carl taught on the true attributes that lie behind each of these lies.
Paul taught the church in Rome that they were justified before God. God had declared and accepted people as righteous in his sight based on the acceptance of Christ as Savior. The only way to obtain justification in right standing before God is my faith. We are justified by faith.
We call this believing faith, saving faith. Saving faith wipes out the sins of the past and brings us peace with God. We have to let our faith be purified to accept this saving faith as a finished work since this saving faith is the key to our relationship with God.
Trials come but they don’t bring us dishonor, they bring us the true honor of standing before our loving God in heaven.
We have to be secure in this saving faith so we can move on to trusting faith and obeying faith and fulfill the call of God on our lives.