This week in service Pastor Carl talked about how we define the good life and what it means to be great. The world has it answer for both of these questions that are opposed to the good life that Jesus offers us. This battle between living the way of Jesus and the way of the world is as old as time.
Contrasting Genesis chapters 11 and 12, we learned about how the Tower of Babel was created for man to make his own name great by consolidating his power and controlling God. That was juxtaposed with the story of God calling Abram to follow God’s lead. In turn, God would make Abram’s name great and cause him to be a blessing to the whole world.
Without realizing it, we live under the tyranny of sin which causes us to strive for greatness that will not last beyond this life. The greatness that Jesus offers us pays dividends in this life and the age to come.
The prosperous soul is identified by Jesus as a life that lives in service to other people. What will we do with the grace we have received? We believe Jesus would say that we should use it to make someone else great.
As you meditate upon this message this week consider the following:
in what ways is Jesus demonstrated his greatness in my life? Who could use encouragement that God can do the same and there’s?
Pray that God would put someone on your heart that he is drawing to himself. Once you have identified that person pray for them and for divine appointments to share the grace on your life with them.
Look for ways to demonstrate the love of God to people in your life.